Emotions are a vast area of learning and emotions have the UNIQUE power to shift how you show up in all of your interactions, situations, events and conversations in your life. When you learn to harness the power of emotions, you can CHOOSE how to show up in conversations and learn to declare satisfaction and happiness in your life!

Use the generative power of language and work with your emotions to help you declare satisfaction and happiness with the outcomes and results of your interactions in life.

  • Understand the foundation of emotions.
  • Learn what it means to interpret emotions
  • Discover the stories and narratives around emotions that cause you to take certain actions.
  • Apply linguistic skills to get to the heart of your emotions

Discover  a 3-Step Framework of working with the whole human being you are by  exploring the connections between Body, Emotions and Language!

I  want to offer you a framework, a new perspective of the holistic and  integrated human being that you are! This perspective may help to  incorporate several concepts that you have come across in your quest for  personal transformation and development.

The underlying concept  is that of language and the resultant, subjective expression of emotions  and movement; movement through actions, movement through thoughts and  ideas. 

Course Contents And Overview

This course contains 63+ lectures and 4+ hours of content!  It is designed for you if you want to take control of your emotions in  your life. It is designed for you if you want to move past potentially  “destructive” emotions and learn to declare satisfaction and happiness  in your life.

The material in this course is what I use with my  coaching clients so if you are curious about learning to coach yourself  from observing your thoughts, ideas and body while exploring emotions,  this course is for you!

I strongly believe in 3 key ideas: #1) Education - learn about what matters to you; #2) Coaching - practice and embody that learning; and #3) Leadership - show up "fully and in presence" with others.

Every  section in this course is connected and invites you to embody the  learning. Each section has some “Action Steps” or “Activity” to help you  notice what shows up for you as you to interpret and get to the story  of the emotions that you experience.

The more you can practice and apply what you learn in the sections determines the results you'll get.

Section #1 – “Welcome To The Course” – Quickly get started in this section with  this short introduction to “Emotional Intelligence And Emotional  Mastery” and the two foundational models of the O-A-R and the B-E-L. You  are the unique observer of your life. And the unique observer you are  has a Body, experiences Emotions and interprets those emotions in  Language. There is also an invitation to join the private Facebook group  called, “Life Coaching And Vedic Counseling”.

Section #2 – “Before You Begin - A Brief Introduction To Emotions” – Emotions have  been studied for as long as humans have been alive. It wasn’t until  about 1649 and Descartes’, “Les Passions des l’Ame” that emotions have  been reduced and classified into “basic” emotions. Other psychological  studies include Dr. Paul Ekman’s “6 Basic Emotions” and Dr. Robert  Plutchik’s “Wheel Of Emotions.” Learn to distinguish between what it  means to “have emotions” versus “being emotional.” This skill is crucial  for developing your emotional intelligence.

Section #3 – “Getting To Know Yourself - Part 1 - Your Emotional Inheritances” –  The bulk of the worksheets and self-reflection exercises are in this  section. This is where you are invited to spend as much time as possible  to understand what makes up that “framework of belief” that your unique  observer operates under. This framework was built throughout your life  from ALL of the life experiences you had. What were those? Who were  those individuals responsible? The more clearly you can articulate this,  the greater your results.

Section #4 – “Getting  To Know Yourself - Part 2 - Moods And Their Influence” – What is the  difference between “moods” and “emotions”? Well, it’s mostly a matter of  time! Emotions are triggered by events; they are mostly immediate.  Moods, on the other hand, are emotions that persist for longer periods  of time from hours to decades! What are the moods that you bring with  you? Do you know the 4 basic moods? Learn to move from the moods of  Resentment and Resignation to something more productive in your life.

Section #5 – "Bust A Move - Learning To Give Yourself A Break From Mental  “Chatter”" – No matter if we keep our mouths shut or open, we are ALWAYS  in conversation! We either have a chattering internal loop or we are  interacting with others! STOP this noise by moving your body. Here you  will learn about the 5 body dispositions and how they cause us to  experience certain emotions. Once you learn to move your body in an  appropriate way to get satisfactory results, then you have a powerful  tool to work with your emotions. The activities in this section invite  you to practise moving your body into these dispositions.

Section #6 – "Declarations And How To Bring Joy And Satisfaction Into Your Life" –  Declarations are at the heart of creating a life of meaning, value and  satisfaction. Declarations are a speech act and have certain properties  that allow you to use the generative power of language to create that  “hoped for future” in your life.

Section #7 –  “Approaching Resentment & Resignation With Lightness And Curiosity” –  The moods of Resentment and Resignation can be particularly “heavy.”  This section is about introducing the emotions of lightness and  curiosity to work with these moods. Each of lightness and curiosity  allow you to work with these moods and look at them from different  perspectives. Activities in this section invite you to visualise and  imagine just what it would be like for you to be in “lightness” and  “curiosity.”

Section #8 – “Looking Ahead To  Create A Satisfactory And Joyous “Hoped For” Future” – Creating that  “hoped for” future is at the heart of the coaching relationship. Just  what is it that you want to create in your life? Which areas of family,  friends, career, community and more do you want that “hoped for” future?

Section #9 – “Life Is Meant To Be Lived Joyously… Stepping Lightly And In Joy” –  We wrap up this course with the invitation to consider that life is  meant to be lived joyously. The action steps are summarised here which  invite you to #1 notice and #2 keep practising the skill of noticing.  Then you can move into the investigative part of understanding the  linguistic foundations of emotions and the associated body shapes that  will allow you to take control of the situations, events and  conversations in your life!

Section #10 – “BONUS  Offers And Special Coupon Codes For Students” – I leave you with a  special offer to work with me as a leadership life coach. Give me a  shout and let’s have a conversation about what creates satisfaction in  your life! Also included are coupon codes for my other courses!

Course Bonuses!

Bonus #1 – PDF Worksheet "List of Emotions" – A 9-page and 3-page documents to  help you identify the wide variety of emotions that are available to  you. This is just the starting point! Only your curiosity and  imagination will allow you to uncover more emotions!

Bonus #2 – PDF Worksheet "Dr. Robert Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions" – In 1980 Dr.  Plutchik theorized a set of 16 emotions based on combinations of 8  basic emotions. This worksheet will give you an idea of the spectrum of  emotions that Dr. Plutchik works with.

Bonus #3 –  PDF Worksheet “Emotional Inheritances” – A 3-page worksheet designed to  give you insight into the individuals and groups that helped to create  that framework of belief for your unique observer in the world.

Bonus #4 – PDF Worksheet “My Wardrobe Of Emotions” – A 3-page worksheet that  allows you to determine your satisfaction in 26 different areas of life.  The following invitation is to associate certain emotions with those  life areas and take time for self-reflection and introspection.

Bonus #5 – PDF Worksheet “4 Basic Moods Of Resentment, Resignation, Acceptance,  Ambition” – A 1-page worksheet to give you an idea of how the 4 basic  moods are created from opposition or acceptance of the facticity of  past/present and future events and possibilities.

Bonus #6 – MP3 Recordings to practise the 5 Body Dispositions of “Centre,  Resolution, Openness, Stability and Flexibility.” Spend time to practise  these short 4-8 minute physical activities to embody the body  dispositions. You’ll be surprised at what you discover for yourself!

Take Action & Enroll

Click "Take This Course" now and make the commitment to jump straight into “Master Emotions -  Declare Happiness And Satisfaction In Life” for yourself. I know that  working with emotions created shifts within me and resulted in a  rewarding personal and professional life.

See you on the inside!

Wishing you much success in your journeys,


Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome To The Course!

    • “Thank You” And “Welcome” To This Course!

    • My Personal Story About Emotional Intelligence And Emotion Mastery

    • My Promise To You As A Coach And Instructor In This Course

    • Two Frameworks Of Understanding - BEL and OAR Models

    • Potential Hurdles / Limiting Beliefs That Can Prevent You From Learning

    • [Activity] Congratulations & Action Steps

  • 2

    Before You Begin - A Brief Introduction To Emotions

    • Overview And How Emotions Are Available To Use In Daily Life

    • [Activity] 3 Second Activity & Learn To View Your Life As A Story Of Emotions

    • [PDF] - Dr. Robert Plutchik's "Wheel Of Emotions

    • A Brief History Of Emotions And Why Emotional Learning Matters For Possibilities

    • "Having Emotions" vs. "Being Emotional"

    • Emotional Intelligence / Flexibility / Agility / Dexterity

    • Practising Emotional Intelligence / Flexibility / Agility / Dexterity

    • [Activity] The Possible Results And Outcomes When You Practise With Emotions

    • Review Of What You Learnt About The Unique Observer You Are And Emotions

  • 3

    Getting To Know Yourself - Part 1 - Your Emotional Inheritances

    • Overview & Learning About Yourself Through Self-Reflection & Introspection

    • [DOWNLOAD] "Emotional Inheritances" - PDF Worksheets For Download

    • A Compiled List Of 135 Different Emotions To Help You With The Worksheets

    • “Emotional Inheritances” Influences On Your Emotions And Framework Of Beliefs

    • “My Wardrobe Of Emotions” Influences On You From Childhood To Career / Leisure

    • Wrapping Up - What Constitutes Your Emotional Inheritances?

  • 4

    Getting To Know Yourself - Part 2 - Moods And Their Influence

    • Overview Of Moods As “Persistent Emotions” That Operate In The Background

    • The 4 Basic Moods That Are Present In Daily Interactions In Life

    • [DOWNLOAD] - 4 Basic Moods - Resentment, Resignation, Acceptance, Ambition

    • Moods vs. Emotions; Emotions Are Triggered, Moods Are Persistent

    • Resentment Occurs When We Oppose The Facticity Of The Past / Present

    • Resignation Occurs When We Oppose The Possibilities That May Be Available

    • Moods And Emotions Are Valid Human Experiences And Are Neither Wrong Nor Right

    • Acceptance Occurs When We Accept The Facticity Of The Past / Present

    • Ambition Occurs When We Accept The Possibilities That May Be Available

    • [Activity] Learn To Become The Observer In Your Life And Practise Noticing Moods

  • 5

    Bust A Move - Learning To Give Yourself A Break From Mental “Chatter”

    • Overview & Learn How To Stop The Mental Noise Simply By Moving The Body

    • Become Your Own Superhero - Change Emotions In A Single Bound / Moment

    • [BONUS] 5 Body Dispositions

    • [Activity] [BONUS] Centre

    • [Activity] [BONUS] Resolution

    • [Activity] [BONUS] Openness

    • [Activity] [BONUS] Stability

    • [Activity] [BONUS] Flexibility

    • Learning To Interrupt Patterns That Do Not Create Satisfactory Outcomes

    • Wrapping Up - Emotions, Moods And The Body Are Non Verbal Communication Skills

  • 6

    Declarations And How To Bring Joy And Satisfaction Into Your Life

    • Overview - How To Invite Joy And Satisfaction Into Your Life

    • [BONUS] Declarations

    • Benefits Of The Emotions Of Joy And Satisfaction In Your Life

    • [Activity] Kick Back And Visualise Yourself In Joy And Satisfaction In Your Life

    • Wrapping Up - Declarations, Visualisations And Relaxing Into Joy & Satisfaction

  • 7

    Approaching Resentment & Resignation With Lightness And Curiosity

    • [Activity] Overview & Exploring Lightness And Curiosity When Working With Moods

    • Exploring Resentment Through The Emotion Of Lightness

    • Allow Yourself To Be Curious To Permit Movement From The Mood Of Resignation

    • Wrapping Up Moving From Resentment & Resignation Through Lightness & Curiosity

  • 8

    Looking Ahead To Create A Satisfactory And Joyous “Hoped For” Future

    • Overview - Learning To Look Ahead And Put Effort Into The “Hoped For” Future

    • Noticing Resistance And The Hurdles That Prevent You From Moving Forward

    • Emotions Are Contagious! - You, Your Emotions, & Body Are A Ginormous Virus

    • [Activity] Cultivate And Grow The (Awesome!) Attitude Of Gratitude

  • 9

    Life Is Meant To Be Lived Joyously… Stepping Lightly And In Joy

    • “Master Emotions - Declare Happiness & Satisfaction” - Summary And Conclusion

  • 10

    BONUS Offers And Special Coupon Codes For Students

    • [BONUS] An Invitation To Work With Me, Your Leadership Life Coach

About the instructor

Teacher, Leadership Life Coach, Jyotiṣa

Thushyanthan A

Are You Driven By Curiosity?What new skills do you want to learn?How do you express your creativity?How do you become an observer of yourself?What do you need to do to improve yourself?What changes do you need to adopt to enliven your spirit?These are just a few of the questions that I explore with students and learners just like you in my courses.TeacherI strongly believe in 3 key ideas: Education - learn about what matters to you; Coaching - practice and embody that learning; and Leadership - show up "fully and in presence" with others.Leadership Life CoachI am a Leadership Life Coach specializing in Ontological Coaching methods. I work with you to create a fulfilling life and career for yourself.Ontological Coaching is based deeply in embracing a person's individuality. In reaching your goals and desires you have a unique and different approach to life.Instead of obsessively focusing on developing traits, ontological coaching shows you how to use your existing strengths to achieve your goals.My StoryLike you, I have many interests and hobbies :) After graduating with a degree in Computer Science, I worked in IT for two years before moving to Japan. There, I studied Japanese business culture and developed ways to blend Japanese business and corporate practices with the Western corporate environment.Using ontological coaching methods and other tools, I offer you a chance to see yourself, fully, through a new lens and a benefit from a fresh perspective. I invite you to join in a conversation to enliven your spirit and connect to purpose in your life.

Click "Enroll Today!" and make the commitment to  jump straight into “Master Emotions -  Declare Happiness And  Satisfaction In Life” for yourself. 

Working with emotions  will create shifts within you and generate a rewarding personal and  professional life.